
Alexandros Yfantis


Hellenic Association of Biogas Producers (HABIO) {label=, value=}

Dr.-Ing Alexandros Yfantis is the founder and CEO of SYCHEM group of companies. He is a PhD Chemical Engineer, graduated from the National Technical University of Athens (Greece) in 1996 and the Brandenburger Technical University of Cottbus (Germany) in 2000. He has significant experience in the design and operation of water & wastewater treatment systems, cathodic protection and energy saving, with more than 60 publications in scientific journals and conferences. His scientific work and the achievements of his team have been recognized with national and international awards. In 2017 he design & supervise the construction of 1MW Biogas Power Plant (Bioenergy Crete - SYCHEM group subsidiary), a Biogas Power Plant with unique features & innovations. Since 2020, Dr. Yfantis is the President of the “Hellenic Association of Biogas Producers” (HABIO).

Thursday 4 | 07

Thu 4 | 07